Friday, February 14, 2014

I <3 you s'more valentines!

Happy Valentine's Day!! After digging out of 20+ inches snow, we are finally getting a chance to enjoy this holiday.

I think the best thing about Valentine's Day is spending it with my kids. My hubby and I don't really see it something to make into a big to do, but my girls love it! It's a day involving hearts, chocolates, flowers, and the color pink. What little girl wouldn't love it. 

So this year Rylee is 4 and she wanted to give Valentines to everyone she knows. After searching Pinterest, which I have an addiction to, I saw some really cute DIY s'mores Valentines. After thinking up a cute phrase of our own. I took to my adobe illustrator and whipped up a label that was just right. I also got cute baggies, chocolates, heart marshmallows, and gram crackers. 

And here they are....

Happy Valentine's Day! :) 
